Almost everyone will become a caregiver of someone over the age of 50 at some point in your life. Most of us are not prepared for caregiving and when we embark on that path it is really easy to become susceptible to 'caregiver burnout'. It is really important to recognize the signs of burnout and to make sure you get the help you need. 

  1. Withdrawal from friends and family
  2. Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed
  3. Feeling depressed
  4. Increase or decrease in appetite, weight, or both
  5. Disrupted sleep patterns
  6. Getting sick more often
  7. Feelings of self harm or the person for whom you are caring
  8. Emotional and physical exhaustion
  9. Excessive use of alcohol and/or sleep medications
  10. Irritability

We will be writing about ways to handle caregiver burnout!